Wednesday, April 27, 2011

And the season winds to a close...

So when the Blackhawks season ended last night, I was among the many fans that was absolutely heartbroken. It was hard to watch.

But when it all comes down to it, I could not be any more proud of them. Honestly. They won the Stanley Cup last year, and it was the most amazing thing ever. It's something I will never forget, and it's a memory that I will hold in my heart and cherish for the rest of my life.

Coming into this season, I knew it was going to be rocky. We lost the basically all of the guys that had helped us get that far. But there was nothing we could've done about it. Yes, it's always going to suck knowing that your favorite player got traded, but that's the way things work. Salary caps. Brutal. But regardless, I still had complete hope and faith in my team.

The season definitely had it's low-points. There were tough losses. There were a lot of injuries. There were those games when you were just like, "What the FUCK!?!"

But then, there were also amazing wins. Great comebacks. Players that absolutely turned out to be the shining stars of the team. (SEE: COREY CRAWFORD) And is anyone ever going to forget that 8-game win streak? I know that I won't.

Then when the playoffs grew closer, things got harder and harder. After every lose, I was just becoming more and more frustrated. All I wanted them to do was make the playoffs. I just wanted to see them succeed. I went to quite a few games this season. I was only able to witness 2 wins, but they were probably the most amazing ones ever. Just to witness a game is magical, and I'm so grateful for that.

The game against the Redwings was crucial. They HAD to win to make the playoffs, or if they lost, Minnesota HAD to beat Dallas. It was down to the wire. I was actually at that game. When the Blackhawks lost, I was devastated. I was actually in tears during the game. I was convinced that it was all over.

When I was keeping track of the Wild/Stars game, I was losing my mind. I was actually on a train home when I found out they won. I had to hold back for almost an hour til we got to the stop. My cousin and I got into his car and I started screaming, I was so excited, WE WERE IN THE PLAYOFFS!!!

The first 3 games were probably the most frustrating games ever. When each period ended, I just became more and more disillusioned. Things did not look good. I will always love the Hawks, and believe in them, but there was definitely a part of me that figured we were done.

Game 4. A miracle. We won. Hope. Game 5. A shut-out. What? Is this really happening? Game 6. Losing my mind. Tie game. Which lead into an overtime victory. Honestly, I didn't even see who scored the goal at first, I just saw that puck hit the back of the net and I was screaming. Kudos to Ben Smith, I really like him, he was also one of the stars during this playoff run, and I hope we see him a lot more next season.

The team that no one thought would make it, the team that EVERYONE was convinced was going to be swept, brought the series all the way to GAME 7.

Which was probably one of the hardest games for me to watch. (Not counting last year's game 6 against the Flyers). When the clock was winding down, and Vancouver was up 1-0, I was on the verge of tears. Until Jonathan Toews tied it up with around 2 minutes left.

When it came to overtime, I was terrified. I was shaking, it felt like my heart was beating a million miles an hour. I just wanted us to win.

Sadly, that wish wouldn't come true.

When I saw the puck hit the back of our net, I just remember screaming "NO!!!" and I dropped to the floor, and I cried. I was just in utter shock. Seeing the looks on all the guys faces was just awful. They looked so down. They were hurt, I was hurting along with them.

But like I said in the beginning, I am SO proud of them. They were the definite underdogs in this. While they didn't come out on top, they are still winners in my eyes. They worked so hard, and came so far, and no one can take that away from them.

I have said it many, many, MANY times before, but I am, and will ALWAYS be a proud Chicago Blackhawks fan. That will never change. Wins, losses, I will be there cheering them on no matter what. That is my team. They are a huge part of my life, and will always be the team that owns my heart.

I love my team. And I can't wait to see what they bring to the table next season. Honestly, I'm excited. I have 100% faith that they will bring the Stanley Cup back home to Chicago again. I do not believe for one second that we'll have to wait another 49 years til it happens. It's going to happen way sooner than that. I can feel it.

Thank you Blackhawks for working so hard this season.
We'll all be waiting to see you in October.

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