Tuesday, March 29, 2011

30-Day Challenge

So since I tend to only use this blog for ranting and raving, I'm going to do one of those fun "challenge" blogs that everyone does. Maybe that way it'll motivate me to keep up with this a little more.

It's a hockey challenge. I know. Big surprise right? I'm pretty certain I PROBABLY won't do it every single day, but I will definitely do my best. Let's see how this goes eh?

Day #1 - Why do I love hockey?

Day #2 - Who is your favorite hockey team?

Day #3 - Who is my favorite AHL team?

Day #4 - Do you follow any of the following leagues: ECHL, WHL, CHL, IHL? Or other leagues?

Day #5 - Picture of your all-time favorite forward?

Day #6 - Picture of your all-time favorite defense-man?

Day #7 - Picture of your all-time favorite goalie?

Day #8 - Picture of your favorite forward from this past season (2010-2011)?

Day #9 - Picture of your favorite defense-man from this past season (2010-2011)?

Day #10 - Picture of your favorite goalie from this past season (2010-2011)?

Day #11 - Picture of your favorite coach?

Day #12 -: Who is your least favorite forward?

Day #13 - Who is your least favorite defense-man?

Day #14 - Who is your least favorite goalie?

Day #15 - Least favorite team?

Day #16 - Picture of your favorite arena?

Day #17 - Whatever tickles your fancy

Day #18 - One arena you’re dying to go to?

Day #19 -Who has the best rivalry?

Day #20 - The player you wish you could of seen play?

Day #21 - Have you met any hockey players? If so, who was your favorite? Did you get a picture with them?

Day #22 - Do you own any hockey memorabilia?

Day #23: Greatest hockey personal memory?

Day #24 - Greatest hockey moment?

Day #25 - Do you have any superstitions?

Day #26: If you could play hockey on your favorite team, what would your number be?

Day #27 - What is your favorite hockey quote?

Day #28 - Whatever tickles your fancy

Day #29- Since 2011’s already happened, who do you want to play in the Winter Classic 2012?

Day #30 - Who do you want to win the Stanley Cup next year?

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