Sunday, March 6, 2011


I really don't understand the mentality of some people. When someone says they're your friend, they shouldn't be judging you, putting you down, or calling you names.

I have a 'friend' who was saying some extremely rude things to me tonight. Things that, I would say, were completely uncalled for. We were talking about dating and relationships, and they told me that I am "too afraid" to be in a relationship or date someone.

Which is not the case. I am not afraid of dating, just because trying to find a boyfriend is not the number one priority in my life, there must be something wrong with me right? I don't understand why people put such heavy emphasis and pressure on someone to be in a relationship. If I don't want to date anyone, what the fuck is the big deal? I would rather be single and happy and accepting of it than spend my days torturing myself about why I don't have a boyfriend.

I'm not saying that relationships are a bad thing. Not by any means. If you can find someone you love, and who loves you back, then all the power and luck in the world to you. If you are happy, I'm happy for you. I wish the people I care about who are in relationships nothing but the best. Nothing would make me happier than to have the people I love and cherish be happy. That's all I want for them.

Then, when I explain my reasonings behind not wanting to be in a relationship, this 'friend' starts making comments saying that I'm 'an angry lesbian'. And that I do not come off as feminine at all.

Well. Isn't that mature.

For one, I am not a lesbian. The fact that someone would call me that almost makes me laugh. Please note, I am not bashing on homosexuality. By no means. It also pisses me off that this person decided to say that to me. What kind of insult is that? That's just childish and rude. We're all adults here, trying to use something like that as an insult is ridiculous. GROW THE FUCK UP PLEASE.

And saying I'm not feminine? That's just plain ridiculous.

I curse, I like to hang out with guys, drink beer, watch hockey, and be obnoxious. But while doing all this, I still like to put on my makeup, do my hair, and swoon over the hot players. I'm not going to try and fit myself into some little fucking mold that people think I should put myself into. I'm not going to change who I am to try and get a boyfriend. Fuck that. I would rather be single for the rest of my life than to change my beliefs for someone else. If you don't like me or can't accept me for who I am, then you can kindly fuck off.

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