Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day #1 - Why do I love hockey?

I honestly feel that hockey players are some of the most skilled athletes out there. What they do is no easy task. I don't play hockey, hell, I can't even skate, but I can see how tough it is. It takes strength, determination, and focus to do what they do.

You can see it on their faces. You can see it during the game, when it's getting close to the end of the 3rd, and they're still down by one. You can see it when someone scores a goal and they all gather around them to celebrate. You see it when they're interacting with fans, and with each other outside of the game. You see the absolute love and dedication they have to it. They're out there, playing the game they love, and living their DREAM. How many people actually get to do that in their lifetime?

Hockey is a dangerous sport. We all know this. It's been proven to us time and time again. It seems like this season has been especially rough, there's been so many terrible injuries left and right. It's hard to watch. Hockey teams are like a family, and no one wants to see someone in their family hurt. But they still go out there every night, they put on their gear, they lace up those skates, and they go out on the ice, because that's what they were born to do. They do it because they love the game, and because someone saw something in them, saw their talent, their abilities, and gave them a chance to prove themselves to the world. And then, if they are lucky enough, the day comes where all their hard work, all the struggles, the highs, the lows, all the hours, days, weeks, and months spent, and they get to hoist that Stanley Cup over their head. I can't even IMAGINE how that feels. But I can say, when I saw the players of the Chicago Blackhawks doing it, it was absolutely one of the most amazing and beautiful things I had ever seen. I actually saw HISTORY being made. It was so surreal. Any time I see footage from that game 6, when we finally one, I get chills, and I start to cry all over again as if it were yesterday.

A lot of people will hassle me about hockey. I have friends make fun of me for being infuriated when they lose, people who tell me that hockey is the only thing I care about, and that I'm "obsessed" with the Blackhawks. I know it shouldn't bother me, but it still does burn me up inside. I know it shouldn't, but I just don't understand why people would make fun of someone for this.

The past year for me has been extremely difficult. It involved a lot of family/personal issues, lots of drama, a big move, and other things that I don't exactly want to delve into. I can honestly say that if I didn't have hockey, I would probably be a big mess. Sure, I'm not the most stable person all the time, but it's kept me slightly grounded. It can get my mind off of things, even just for a little while. And I'm so grateful for that.

And when it comes down to it, I'm always going to be a fan of hockey. Win or lose, I'm going to wear my Blackhawks gear with pride. I'm going to watch all the games I can on tv. I'm going to yell profanities at the other teams when they score goals on us, or beat us. I'm going to get ridiculously excited when we score. I'm going to blast "Chelsea Dagger" and dance around (this including, the Kaner Shuffle) the apartment when we win a game. I will swoon over players, but I will never let ANYONE get away with calling me a 'fan-girl'. I'll always be terrified of over-time. I will always hold my breath and pray to the hockey gods during a shoot-out. I'll always lose my mind when the season ends, and count the days until it starts back up again.

When I'm lucky enough to go to games, I'm always going to be jittery walking into the United Center. I'm always going to have tears in my eyes when I hear Jim Cornelison singing the National Anthem. I'm always going to take too many pictures. I could be sitting in the 100-section, or be in standing room only, and I will still have the most amazing time ever. I will be absolutely frustrated and angry when we lose. When we win, I will always lose my mind, I will hug whoever I'm with, I will high-five everyone around me. I will drink beer and scream until my head hurts and I lose my voice.

The seasons change, people change, life goes on.

But I will always be a hockey fan.
I will ALWAYS be a Chicago Blackhawks fan.

And that, is something that I can absolutely tell you, will NEVER change.

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