Sunday, March 20, 2011


You know what I can't fucking stand? When people don't listen to you when you're so obviously right about something.

I am not sitting here on my little glory parade, thinking that I know it all, nor am I CLAIMING to know it all. Not by any means. But when the facts are sitting there RIGHT in front of your fucking face, when EVERYONE in your family is telling you what's what, and you don't listen, it's fucking ridiculous!!!!

It's one thing for one person to have an opinion. And it makes sense. When someone who loves you and only wants to best for you, and is looking out for you and your well-being, you lash out at them. You just don't fucking listen to facts. It's not like I'm sitting here telling you how to run YOUR life, but I'm just asking you to fucking listen to me for once. Like a normal human being. To have a normal conversation. And you just drop this fucking bomb and expect me to take it like it's no big deal.

What would you do if someone you loved and cared for more than ANYTHING in the world did the most ridiculous thing ever? It's one thing for one person to point out to you how blatantly insane and absurd it sounds, maybe you won't take it to heart as much. You might just think that's how that one person feels. If you don't listen to all of it then, fine. I can understand that. But when EVERYONE who you say "means the most to you" have the same fucking opinion, you'd THINK that someone would maybe take the time out, sit back and think, "Wow, maybe they're right. Maybe I am rushing into this too fast."

You would THINK that a normal person would take this into mind that the people that care most about them are simply trying to watch out for them.

But no. They just argue with you, tell you that YOU'RE wrong, and don't even fucking listen. I can't fucking stand it. I just don't understand why people are the way they are.

It's fucking up everything. It's ruining people's relationships, no one can even fucking talk to each other anymore. You'd think if someone had this "GREAT" fucking news, the first people they would call would be their whole family. But no. That's not how people work these days apparently. People have to find things out via text message or even though fucking FACEBOOK. Some people don't even find out directly FROM the person!! What the hell has happened to communicating anymore?

You say that family is so important, yet you don't even fucking tell everyone when you have huge life-changing news. I'm sorry. But that's just BEYOND fucked up. It just goes to show how much you can count on people these days to include you in their lives.

Maybe I should be grateful that I even fucking found out. Not that it's something I really wanted to hear. Honestly, this whole fucking day has been a godamned nightmare. I just wish I could go to sleep and wake up tomorrow and find out this whole fucking day was just a fucked up dream and it never even happened.

I wish I could be so lucky.

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