Monday, March 7, 2011

One of those days...

I hate it when just one thing happens, and it manages to ruin your entire day/mood.

I started out the day fine, I have a bunch of stuff to get done before I go on vacation this weekend. (I'm going to Vegas for the weekend with my cousin to visit my aunt, and my mom is out there right now visiting as well). So I wanted to do some cleaning, re-organizing, and work on packing.

Then my mom calls me and we start talking about things, which ultimately led to us arguing about something ridiculous. Which is normal, that's pretty much how 60% of our conversations go. But ever since that, I've just felt like crap. I was in a shitty mood last night (see previous post) due to something else, and I really wanted today to be better. I went to sleep last night really determined to have a good day today. And I was. Until all this.

It's just frustrating. I'm not even looking forward to this trip, honestly. I know I should be. I'm trying to. My cousin has never been on a REAL vacation, he's never even been on an airplane, so I don't want to be all blah and emo about it and ruin HIS trip. When I found out I was going, it was a complete surprise. So you'd think I'd be ecstatic about it.

Yeah. Not so much.

Then I was watching a bunch of hockey videos that people had been posting, and that got to me too. I'm probably too emotionally attached to all that, but I honestly can't help it. Hockey is one of the greatest things in my life, it's so exciting, and it makes me happy. So I was watching all these videos of the playoffs and when the Blackhawks won the cup, and I cried. I can't believe it's almost been a year already. I don't think I have ever watched any of that footage without tearing up. It was just the most amazing thing to see.

I'm going to the Blackhawks vs. Redwings game on April 10th. As much as I am looking forward to going to another game, it just makes me realize that the regular hockey season is going to be ending soon. And to be honest, the thought of that makes me sad. I know that I'm not the only person who feels this way, I just needed to get that out and vent. Because I know if anyone understands me, it's other hockey fans.

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