Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day #2 - Who is your favorite hockey team?

Well, if you have read ANYTHING that I have ever posted, or even LOOKED at my blog, this one is fairly simple and obvious.

The Chicago Blackhawks.

I have been a fan of theirs since I was a kid. One of my favorite stories is my mom telling me that, when she was pregnant with me, she would watch Blackhawks games, and I would be moving around and kicking like crazy. Some things are just meant to be I guess. Even before I was born, I was a hockey fan.

Since I'm from the Chicago area, it makes sense that they would be my team. Even if I wasn't, I'm fairly certain I would be a fan. They're one of the underdogs in the NHL. They've had so many rough seasons throughout the years. They've gone through times where people in Chicago didn't even care about hockey. But they still fought on, and I have the utmost respect for that.

The Blackhawks are such a big important part of my life. I can't contain my excitement when they win games. My heart breaks every time they lose. When I see one of them get hurt, it hurts (and terrifies) me. When I watched them win the Stanley Cup last year, I swear that had to be one of the times in my life where I cried the hardest. It was one of the most amazing things I had ever seen. I watched the games that season, I saw them work their ASSES off, and finally, FINALLY all their hard work had paid off.

I'll watch pretty much any hockey game, and I'm also a big fan of the Pittsburgh Penguins, the Chicago Blackhawks will always own my heart. I am so proud to be a fan of them.

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