Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day #3 - Who is my favorite AHL team?

While I don't EXACTLY follow the AHL much, my favorite team would have to be the Chicago Wolves. Shocking right?

I've been going to Wolves games since I was in like, 5th grade. The first time I actually went to a game, I got tickets through the D.A.R.E. program in school. I don't really remember how, but I was like, "All right cool, free hockey game." I think I've been to probably 5 or 6 games since then. They're always fun.

Since moving to the area last year, I've now gone to a couple of Rockford Icehogs games. They've been pretty fun too. Except for the fact that out of the 3 games I've been to, they've only won once. That kinda sucks. I always like going to the Metro Centre and looking at the wall with all the former players who have gone on to play in the NHL. And I can't help it, every time I go to a game, I have a childish moment where I laugh at Rob Klinkhammer because his last name cracks me up. I can't help it. Don't judge me.

I like the games because it's something fun to do, most of the time it's relatively easy to get tickets. And they're usually pretty cheap. The first Icehogs game I went to, my cousin got us tickets that were like, 6 or 7 rows away from the glass and they were around $20-$25. Can't beat that. The funniest part about it was when we got to our seats and the players were on the bench, we were like, "OH MY GOD, they're huge!" Mostly because when we go to Blackhawks games, we've been in standing room or the 300-section. It was just kind of funny to see hockey players up close.

Oh hey look, it's Nick Leddy

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