Thursday, February 24, 2011

Haters can keep hating...


Thank you Patrick Kane, for your words of wisdom.

So I'm talking to one of my friends, and they're basically telling me that I'm "obsessed" with hockey. That all I post about is hockey, all my pictures on Facebook are hockey, and that's all I like to talk about.


God forbid I have something that makes me happy. That I have something that can keep my mind off of drama and whatnot for a little while. Something that I'm passionate about. Just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean that you have to try and tear me down about it. Fuck that. If you do, I'm going to rip right into you because you have NO fucking right to try and dumb down something that I truly love.

I can't stand when people do that. I just don't understand the point of it all. If you are truly someone's "FRIEND", as you claim to be, you should be HAPPY for them if they have something they really enjoy. I would never bash my friends for something they love.

I mean really, what kind of sick joy or pleasure does someone take from that? "All you do is talk about hockey, is there anything else you care about?" Obviously yes, I care about things other than that. I'm not as singular-minded as you think I am.

It's just irritating. You don't like it, ignore it. It's not like I'm throwing it in people's faces, telling them that they should love it as much as I do. It's not for everyone. I GET THAT. But it's a free fucking country, and I'm allowed to rant and rave as much as I want.

If you don't want to hear it, ignore it. Delete me. Don't talk to me. Because you're not going to stop me.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


There's a lot of things that piss me off. One of those things is arrogance. I cannot stand people who act or talk like they are so much smarter than everyone else. It drives me up a fucking wall.

It's one thing to be confident. I have absolutely NOTHING against confidence, or believing in yourself or anything like that. But when you're talking about how stupid people are, treating/talking to people like they're a child, and things like that is where I draw the line. 


It's just a disgusting quality, and it's obnoxious as well. Why do people think like that? It's like, how far do you think that's going to get you in life? The only thing it's going to do is push people further away from you. No one wants to be around someone who's going to talk down to them.

It's just so frustrating when they critique every little thing you say, and tell you how you're acting, and what kind of person you are. Really? You think you know me better than I know myself? You're a fucking idiot if you think that. Don't even TRY to pretend you know what's REALLY going on in my head, how I feel, or what I'm trying to say.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Recap of recent events

Wow, I have kind of neglected this blog haven't I? Yikes. Well. I guess I can post a couple of things in here. Hockey-related things of course.

So on the 16th, my cousin and I went to the Blackhawks vs. Wild game. OH. MY. GOD. It was AMAZING. I sat in the best seats I have ever been in at a Hawks game. I've been to a few, but I was usually in standing-room only, or the 300-level. Not that there's anything wrong with those, I would be happy to be standing/sitting ANYWHERE as long as I could be at the game. But these

Well here, I'll let you be the judge.

Yeah. 16 rows off the glass.

(Tazer's face on the jumbotron. LOL.)

I'm not even kidding, when we got to our seats and just looked at the view, we were just in complete awe. I was so excited, I couldn't stand it, I literally just grabbed my cousin and started like, shaking him lol. I was actually almost in tears as well.

Me and my cousin

The National Anthem is probably one of the most exciting moments of the time you're there. Well, besides the actual game. Here is the link to my video of it. It gets a little shaky at times, some from me freaking out, and then from the stupid guy next to me who decided to get to his seat during it. And I do a lot of screaming during it lol.

Yeah. That guy was probably the only downer of the game. I'm pretty short, and he was well, pretty  huge. So he took up a lot of my space. And when he was walking to his seat, my cousin was recording as well and he bumped my cousin and spilled his (my cousin's) beer all over him, so needless to say, neither of us were happy. And then at some point during the game, I was screaming my brains out and he looked at me and laughed. Whatever. I didn't let him ruin my night.

AND THE HAWKS WON!! That just made the night even BETTER!! It was such a good game, I had the greatest time. And here's a link to Jake Dowell scoring the empty-net goal and making the final score 3-1. Again, ignore the screaming, that's me again lol.

So we stayed at my brother and his girlfriend's place that night, and the NEXT DAY, the Blackhawks shirt that my brother got for me came in!! Of course it came the day AFTER the game, like I figured it would!! Oh well, I got it, so that's all that matters. 

It was Hockey Weekend in America this past weekend. Friday was "Wear your hockey jersey to work/school" day. So when I went out that night with my brother's gf and her friend to the bar, I wore my brand new CRAWSOME t-shirt. (See one of my previous entries to see what it looks like). When we got to the bar, there were a TON of people wearing Blackhawks gear, so that was good to see. Unfortunately, they lost that night to the Columbus Blue Jackets, so that was disappointing. The funniest thing to me was, one of my brother's friends was there that night too with some friends, so we all hung out. While everyone was talking and all that, I was pretty much the only one out of the group watching the Blackhawks game lol.

Saturday my cousin and I headed back out home. My aunt (his mom) called us when we were still about an hour and a half away and told me that UPS had dropped something off by my apartment. 

IT CAME. IT FINALLY CAME. I was like a little kid on Christmas, I was so excited. When I looked through it, I seriously had tears in my eyes. I've been waiting for this book for so long, and now that I actually have it, it's so excited. I'm seriously treating it like a child. I always have it around me, I'm always looking at it, and I'm fairly certain I'm going to eyeing anyone who touches it like a hawk. No pun intended lol.

So then Sunday night, the Blackhawks were playing the Penguins. It was funny, because my cousin knows I like the Penguins too, and before the game he was like, "You better be rooting for the Hawks." I had to laugh. I was like, "REALLY?!" Yes, I like the Penguins, but the Blackhawks are always #1 in my heart. That was a very tense, but very good game! I'm not going to lie, when it went to the shoot-out, I seriously thought I was going to throw up. Shoot outs are extremely stressful. But the Blackhawks ended up winning it! So I was very happy about that.

Then unfortunately, I wasn't able to see the game today, because I don't get the station it was on in my area. So I had to listen to it on the radio. Luckily, I was able to see the recap online afterwords. OH MY GOD. What a game! During the first period I was starting to get pretty pissed, but during the second, wow. They REALLY stepped up their game. Now we just need to keep it up!!

So that's about it. Lots of hockey goodness. So here's a couple more photos from Wednesday that I doctored up after I got home.

Monday, February 14, 2011


And we have come to Valentine's Day. One of my least favorite holidays. Not that I'm a big fan of them in general, but this one...ugh.

I just don't care for it at all. It's not just because I'm single. I'm not bothered by the fact that I'm single. I think it's just the ridiculousness of it all. I mean, even if I DID have a boyfriend, I wouldn't want them to be all mushy and sappy just because of today.

For one, I hate mushy and sappy stuff. I am not a romantic by any means. Honestly, that kind of thing kind of makes me sick. Yes, I can be super girly, but when it comes down to over-affection, pet names, and things like that, yuck. I'll pass thanks.

Another thing is, if you truly love someone, you shouldn't feel obligated to shower them with gifts and flowers and things JUST because it's Valentine's Day. If you really love that person, you can prove it to them any day of the week/month/year. It shouldn't just be on this one day. I mean, wouldn't it be nice to have your significant other just do something special for you maybe on a random Wednesday as opposed to waiting all the way until February 14th just to suck up to you because?

And I also just don't like it because of those people who flaunt it. I'm not saying that EVERYONE does, but you always have those people, (mostly girls, because I mean really, how many guys do you hear oooing and ahhing about stuff their girlfriend got them for V-Day?) who are always gushing, "Oh my god, look at the flowers/candy/balloons/whatever bullshit that so-and-so got for me?"

To be honest, it's kind of obnoxious. Not everyone thinks like me, not everyone is happy being single. There are some people out there who would really like to be in a relationship, and when someone is going on and on about that, it's just kind of like a slap in the face to the people who really wish they could have something like that. It's one thing to be happy about a gift, but you don't have to go on and on and on about it.

Flowers die, balloons deflate, too much chocolate can make you sick. But if you really love someone, prove it to them as much as you can. Don't wait until the day that Hallmark tells you to. I'm sure they will really appreciate it.

And if you don't agree with me, well, it's my opinon.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Hockey rant coming at you in 3...2....1....go...

*Deep sigh*

To my beloved Chicago Blackhawks....


I just...I do not get what is happening here. The game against Dallas started off fucking AMAZING, with a 3-0 lead in the first period. Then they just totally blew it and LOST in a shoot-out. It just seems to ridiculous to even be real. But it was real. And it was fucking terrible. I was losing my mind during the game. My mom actually came in the living room and was telling me to calm down and stop yelling. I think I almost bruised my hand from digging my nails into it. It was just awful. I couldn't even fathom what was happening.

And then reading that people were hating on Turco pissed me off even more. All the people that were blaming him were obviously watching a different game than I was. He was on fucking POINT through-out the whole game. It wasn't HIS fault that the rest of the team just decided to slack. So to all the people that were hating on him, this is all I have to say to you...

So then. We had the game against the Coyotes tonight. I figured hey, the Stars game was rough, they're gonna be pissed off about it, they can come back and play angry, and take it back. Yeah. Not so much. Tonight's game was pretty hectic as well. I was ecstatic when we tied it up in the 3rd. I started getting hopeful, thinking maybe we'd have a chance to take it back. Then in went into overtime. And then it went into another shoot-out.

And...well...we all know what happened after that. I think I'm going to have nightmares tonight. These last 2 games were awful. In a way, I'm kind of glad they don't play again til Wednesday. Gives them a few days off to maybe, I don't know, pull their heads out of their asses. And it will give me a few days for my fucking blood pressure to go down to a normal level.

I probably shouldn't get as stressed during games as I should, but I can't help it. I love hockey and the Blackhawks so much, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have it to watch. They may piss me off to no other, but that team OWNS my fucking heart. There is no other team I will ever love as much as them.

I'm going to their game on Wednesday. And I'm not going to lie. I am extremely anxious about it. I just don't want to see them lose again. It's hard enough to see it at home on tv, when it's live, it's just awful. I just really want them to start playing and winning again like the Blackhawks we all know and love.

Friday, February 11, 2011


So there's something that's bugging me. I may go on a tiny bit of a rant here. And I think for one of the first times (as of late) it's not hockey-related.

I know. I'm shocked as well.

Well. Back in April, due to unfortunate circumstances, my mom and I had to move. I used to live in the suburbs outside of Chicago, now I live in, let's say a more "rural" area of Illinois. We aren't EXTREMELY far from where I used to live, but it's a good 2 hours away. And I hate it. I can't wait to move back. But that's another story. Anyways.

My brother and his girlfriend still live out there. My cousin (out here) and I go to visit them a lot. We'll leave on a Friday, and come home Sunday. I've gone there and stayed for up to a week at a time. I sleep on their couch. It's not that comfortable, but I like being out there in civilization, and seeing my friends from out there.

Which leads to my latest conundrum. My mom is going to visit her sister, (the one I mentioned previously in Vegas) and she leaves Sunday. While I am stuck out here with, basically nothing to do. No way to really get anywhere. I have family out here, but everyone has their own stuff going on. I mean, my cousin comes over a lot, but he also works 3rd shift, so he sleeps most of the day, and goes to work at night.

So I asked my brother the other day if maybe him and his girlfriend would come out here on a weekend, just to spend some time with them. He said for me to "hop on a train, and come out there.

Uh. Well. Let's see.

*The only way I could get out there (besides my cousin, if we were to spend a weekend) would be a train
*The closest train is an hour away
*I have 3 cats. I'm not going to leave them alone for some extended period of time (They're like my children)

It just kind of frustrates me. I have gone out to visit there and stayed there so many times, and they've come and stayed out here MAYBE 4 or 5 times. And 3 of those times were holidays. My brother's girlfriend told me once that neither of them 'really like to sleep overnight anywhere'.

Yeah, because I totally LOVE sleeping on your couch, sometimes for a week. Yeah, I don't miss my own bed, my cats, and everything like that. This is FAMILY we're talking about. Everyone is supposed to compromise and make an effort to spend time together. It just seems like they only want us to come to THEM. I don't think that's fair.

My cousin and I are going out there next Wednesday because we're going to the Blackhawks game that night, and might stay there til Saturday. I'm probably going to bring it up again, and if they say no, I guess all I can really say is, "Well fine, I don't want to bug you about it anymore, but god forbid you should come out and spend some time out by me that ISN'T a holiday and you feel obligated to."

I'm just annoyed by this.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Can't think of a good title. So here's the wrap-up of today.

First thing I want to talk about is the awesome present my brother got for me today. Him and his girlfriend were supposed to get me a Patrick Kane jersey for a Christmas/birthday gift, BUT...the site he was going to order it from is weird, shipping is kinda pricey, and the jersey I REALLY wanted (throwback) hasn't been in stock. (I was just going to go with a red one, but then this new thing came up...)

I was messing around with customizing a shirt on the NHL merchandise page, and came up with one I REALLY like. So I sent him a picture of it, and I was just like, "Ugh, wish I could order this." as a joke. So he texts me back and says, "How much? With shipping and all that?" So I was like, "Um...let me find out?" and I did. So I text him. And he goes, "How about I give you my card info, and you order it?"


I was like, "WHAAAAAT!?" So he calls me and says, "I know we were supposed to get you the jersey, and we still will, I just have to figure out the site, and see if anyone else wants to order stuff and throw down on shipping, so since we didn't get you much for Christmas or birthday, how about you order the shirt?" Thus leading to me freaking out and dancing all over the place.

Here is my future shirt...

I am so ridiculously excited about this, I can't even describe it. I am just PRAYING to the hockey gods that it comes before the game I'm going to next week. *Fingers crossed*

So of course, with good news, there has to be bad right? That's life.

Well. I've been waiting for my copy of "One Goal: Achieved" in the mail since...well. What seems like forever. My aunt was going to get it for my and my cousin for Christmas, but well, as we all know, the book sold out, literally EVERYWHERE. They had to put out a 2nd printing. So we had to wait for that. Which was awful. So FINALLY, we heard it was printed. And last week, my aunt sent me a text saying that the books should ship out on the 4th. This lead to me pretty much stalking the mailman for the past 5 days.

Then she calls me today, and tells me she is PISSED. So I was wondering why. She then tells me that THE BOOKS CAME. To her house. Instead of my apartment. Which was THE SHIPPING ADDRESS.

Oh yeah. I forgot to mention, she lives in FUCKING LAS VEGAS. It's not like I can just stop by and pick them up, no, BECAUSE I LIVE IN ILLINOIS.


It just sucks. That is the ONE thing I have been WAITING for. I mean, I'm glad that I KNOW I (sort of...) have it, but it's just like, ok, I have been waiting this long for it, now I have to wait even longer. She's just pissed because of how they fucked up. I mean really. How do you mess up shipping addresses? Especially Vegas and Illinois. Stupid fucking Barnes and Noble. I swear, they did it just to torture me. I know she's going to send it to me, but oh my god....


But then, low and behold, there was some good news tonight. MY BOYS WON!!! The Blackhawks beat the Oilers 4-1!! Corey Crawford was on FIRE tonight. He was doing amazing. Tonight's game just made me even happier that I ordered that shirt. And Patrick Kane scored 2 goals too. That always makes me happy.

I love you Kaner. I really do <3

We also traded Jack Skille tonight. While he wasn't one of my favorite players, he's had quite a few shining moments. And you could always tell that he played his ass off. So happy trails to you Skille, good luck in Florida, and I hope you have a successful career there.

And that's that.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"I LOVE you, but...I like ______ as well..."

I'm really going to try and make this a semi-dignified blog. I'm not gonna lie, there will be ranting on here. It happens. But I'm going to try and post some quality stuff too.


So tonight, I was thinking about when people are pulling for a couple teams. There's always going to be those people who say that "YOU CAN ONLY CHEER FOR ONE TEAM!!" But I really don't understand why.

Ok, there IS a way I can sort of see how that makes sense. When the Super Bowl was on Sunday, my mom was cheering for the Packers. I'm not HUGE into football, but I am a Bears fan. Pretty much every person in my family is a Bears fan. We're from Chicago. My mom said she was just cheering for them because "They're our neighbors." Yeah. It doesn't work that way. That's like me (as a die-hard Blackhawks fan) cheering for the Detroit Redwings.

Um. Ew.

But I don't see why people would make such a big deal about cheering on other teams. Obviously the Blackhawks are my number one team. They will always BE my number one. But I'm a Penguins fan too. When I first started getting into hockey was when I started becoming a fan of them. I was a HUGE fan of Mario Lemieux. I remember my brother got me a figurine of him, which I still actually have.

I remember watching the last game of the Stanley Cup finals in 2009, when the Penguins were playing the Redwings, and when they won I was really happy. I mean, yeah, they beat the Wings, but still, that's not the entire point. I actually like the Penguins. They're a good team, you can't argue that.

Well. They're in a bit of a pickle right now. But I'm hoping that they can come out of it.

My brother is also a Blackawks fan. But he also likes the Lightning, the Sharks, and the Predators. Ok, I won't lie, I will give the shifty eye to the Preds. My cousin. Huge Blackhawks fan, but he likes the Habs too. I also root for the Leafs. They do really terribly sometimes, I'm not going to lie, but I do get excited when they win.

Obviously, when it comes down to it, I'm going to root for the Blackhawks over these teams when they play each other. But I don't see what the harm is in having a little variety in your hockey life. I just love to watch it. And I really hope that some of these teams that I like can go to the playoffs, just so I have more time to see them.

Ok, I'm sure the Leafs won't probably won't, but you get what I'm trying to say. I want to be able to stretch out my viewing of the hockey season for as long as I can. I mean, what am I gonna do when hockey season is over? Watch baseball?

....I'm a Cubs fan...'nuff said there...I know.

I was watching, I believe NHL on the Fly one night, and there were quite a few predictions saying that the final two would be the Flyers and the Redwings.

And if this were to happen, I would gladly say "See you in September..." to hockey.

Monday, February 7, 2011


So this is my new blog. Hello to anyone who may be reading this. Or if it's just me that's reading it...

"Hello self. Apparently, you are so boring and weird, no one wants to read your shit."

Now that we've got introductions out of the way...for my first post, I am going to go on a rant. Enjoy.

I am a hockey fan. I am a die-hard Chicago Blackhawks fan. Everyone knows this. My friends know it, my family knows it. If people don't know it, I'll let them know. The thing that gets to me is when people harass me about it.

I have friends who like to make fun of me when my team loses. They say things like:

-"The Blackhawks suck!"
-"Yeah, they won the Stanley Cup last year, but they traded all their good players, that was so stupid, they're never gonna win it again."
-"It's just so fun to fuck with you when they lose, because you get so pissed about it."

Ok. I fail to see the 'funny' in any of this. Is that just me? I think the worst thing about it is when people talk about them "trading all the good players". Ok. Obviously, you know NOTHING about hockey then, there was this little thing we dealt with called a SALARY CAP. We could not AFFORD to keep all of our players. Yes, it was terrible that it happened, but there was NOTHING we could do about it. That's why I hate when people who obviously know NOTHING about hockey talk to me about it. Do your fucking research and THEN talk to me.


Then I have friends who are just straight up ASSHOLES about it. Who tell me things like:

*No one cares about hockey
*Hockey is not as popular as other sports, and never will be
*I don't know anything about sports, and I am just a stupid fan-girl

Have you watched hockey lately? Do you read blogs? Do you look online? Have you gone to a game? Obviously, there are people who still like hockey. Just because YOU don't, doesn't mean other people don't. Do I GIVE a flying fuck if hockey isn't "as popular" as other sports?! NO. This isn't a fucking popularity contest!! They're SPORTS. I'm a stupid fan-girl? REALLY? I have been watching hockey since I was about 10 years old. I think by now, I know things about it. I don't watch it just because "(INSERT PLAYER'S NAME HERE) IS SO HAWT, OH EM GEE!!!" 

Now I am FEMALE. We all have our moments where the estrogen kicks in and we may swoon at players, but COME ON. We're human. It's in our nature to do things like that. That's not the reason I watch hockey. I watch it because honestly, I think that hockey players are some of the most talented athletes out there. It's not easy to do what they do! It's hard work! I have a lot of respect for them.

Hockey is not an easy sport. It's fast, it's aggressive, and it's rough. It takes a lot of talent and agility and strength to be a hockey player. My brother plays and his friends, it's not just some walk in the park.

It just infuriates me when people harass me about this. I sit and listen to everyone else go on and on about their sports teams, yet when I say something about mine, I get raked over the coals. It's just such a ridiculous double-standard.

I don't really care what they think, if they think I'm nuts or I go on about it too much, but it's just frustrating when it's people that are supposed to be your friends. I'm through trying to explain myself to them. If they don't like it, fuck it. You don't wanna hear me posting things about it? Don't listen. Ignore me. Block me. Unfriend me. I don't care.