Friday, February 11, 2011


So there's something that's bugging me. I may go on a tiny bit of a rant here. And I think for one of the first times (as of late) it's not hockey-related.

I know. I'm shocked as well.

Well. Back in April, due to unfortunate circumstances, my mom and I had to move. I used to live in the suburbs outside of Chicago, now I live in, let's say a more "rural" area of Illinois. We aren't EXTREMELY far from where I used to live, but it's a good 2 hours away. And I hate it. I can't wait to move back. But that's another story. Anyways.

My brother and his girlfriend still live out there. My cousin (out here) and I go to visit them a lot. We'll leave on a Friday, and come home Sunday. I've gone there and stayed for up to a week at a time. I sleep on their couch. It's not that comfortable, but I like being out there in civilization, and seeing my friends from out there.

Which leads to my latest conundrum. My mom is going to visit her sister, (the one I mentioned previously in Vegas) and she leaves Sunday. While I am stuck out here with, basically nothing to do. No way to really get anywhere. I have family out here, but everyone has their own stuff going on. I mean, my cousin comes over a lot, but he also works 3rd shift, so he sleeps most of the day, and goes to work at night.

So I asked my brother the other day if maybe him and his girlfriend would come out here on a weekend, just to spend some time with them. He said for me to "hop on a train, and come out there.

Uh. Well. Let's see.

*The only way I could get out there (besides my cousin, if we were to spend a weekend) would be a train
*The closest train is an hour away
*I have 3 cats. I'm not going to leave them alone for some extended period of time (They're like my children)

It just kind of frustrates me. I have gone out to visit there and stayed there so many times, and they've come and stayed out here MAYBE 4 or 5 times. And 3 of those times were holidays. My brother's girlfriend told me once that neither of them 'really like to sleep overnight anywhere'.

Yeah, because I totally LOVE sleeping on your couch, sometimes for a week. Yeah, I don't miss my own bed, my cats, and everything like that. This is FAMILY we're talking about. Everyone is supposed to compromise and make an effort to spend time together. It just seems like they only want us to come to THEM. I don't think that's fair.

My cousin and I are going out there next Wednesday because we're going to the Blackhawks game that night, and might stay there til Saturday. I'm probably going to bring it up again, and if they say no, I guess all I can really say is, "Well fine, I don't want to bug you about it anymore, but god forbid you should come out and spend some time out by me that ISN'T a holiday and you feel obligated to."

I'm just annoyed by this.

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