Monday, February 14, 2011


And we have come to Valentine's Day. One of my least favorite holidays. Not that I'm a big fan of them in general, but this one...ugh.

I just don't care for it at all. It's not just because I'm single. I'm not bothered by the fact that I'm single. I think it's just the ridiculousness of it all. I mean, even if I DID have a boyfriend, I wouldn't want them to be all mushy and sappy just because of today.

For one, I hate mushy and sappy stuff. I am not a romantic by any means. Honestly, that kind of thing kind of makes me sick. Yes, I can be super girly, but when it comes down to over-affection, pet names, and things like that, yuck. I'll pass thanks.

Another thing is, if you truly love someone, you shouldn't feel obligated to shower them with gifts and flowers and things JUST because it's Valentine's Day. If you really love that person, you can prove it to them any day of the week/month/year. It shouldn't just be on this one day. I mean, wouldn't it be nice to have your significant other just do something special for you maybe on a random Wednesday as opposed to waiting all the way until February 14th just to suck up to you because?

And I also just don't like it because of those people who flaunt it. I'm not saying that EVERYONE does, but you always have those people, (mostly girls, because I mean really, how many guys do you hear oooing and ahhing about stuff their girlfriend got them for V-Day?) who are always gushing, "Oh my god, look at the flowers/candy/balloons/whatever bullshit that so-and-so got for me?"

To be honest, it's kind of obnoxious. Not everyone thinks like me, not everyone is happy being single. There are some people out there who would really like to be in a relationship, and when someone is going on and on about that, it's just kind of like a slap in the face to the people who really wish they could have something like that. It's one thing to be happy about a gift, but you don't have to go on and on and on about it.

Flowers die, balloons deflate, too much chocolate can make you sick. But if you really love someone, prove it to them as much as you can. Don't wait until the day that Hallmark tells you to. I'm sure they will really appreciate it.

And if you don't agree with me, well, it's my opinon.

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