Monday, February 21, 2011

Recap of recent events

Wow, I have kind of neglected this blog haven't I? Yikes. Well. I guess I can post a couple of things in here. Hockey-related things of course.

So on the 16th, my cousin and I went to the Blackhawks vs. Wild game. OH. MY. GOD. It was AMAZING. I sat in the best seats I have ever been in at a Hawks game. I've been to a few, but I was usually in standing-room only, or the 300-level. Not that there's anything wrong with those, I would be happy to be standing/sitting ANYWHERE as long as I could be at the game. But these

Well here, I'll let you be the judge.

Yeah. 16 rows off the glass.

(Tazer's face on the jumbotron. LOL.)

I'm not even kidding, when we got to our seats and just looked at the view, we were just in complete awe. I was so excited, I couldn't stand it, I literally just grabbed my cousin and started like, shaking him lol. I was actually almost in tears as well.

Me and my cousin

The National Anthem is probably one of the most exciting moments of the time you're there. Well, besides the actual game. Here is the link to my video of it. It gets a little shaky at times, some from me freaking out, and then from the stupid guy next to me who decided to get to his seat during it. And I do a lot of screaming during it lol.

Yeah. That guy was probably the only downer of the game. I'm pretty short, and he was well, pretty  huge. So he took up a lot of my space. And when he was walking to his seat, my cousin was recording as well and he bumped my cousin and spilled his (my cousin's) beer all over him, so needless to say, neither of us were happy. And then at some point during the game, I was screaming my brains out and he looked at me and laughed. Whatever. I didn't let him ruin my night.

AND THE HAWKS WON!! That just made the night even BETTER!! It was such a good game, I had the greatest time. And here's a link to Jake Dowell scoring the empty-net goal and making the final score 3-1. Again, ignore the screaming, that's me again lol.

So we stayed at my brother and his girlfriend's place that night, and the NEXT DAY, the Blackhawks shirt that my brother got for me came in!! Of course it came the day AFTER the game, like I figured it would!! Oh well, I got it, so that's all that matters. 

It was Hockey Weekend in America this past weekend. Friday was "Wear your hockey jersey to work/school" day. So when I went out that night with my brother's gf and her friend to the bar, I wore my brand new CRAWSOME t-shirt. (See one of my previous entries to see what it looks like). When we got to the bar, there were a TON of people wearing Blackhawks gear, so that was good to see. Unfortunately, they lost that night to the Columbus Blue Jackets, so that was disappointing. The funniest thing to me was, one of my brother's friends was there that night too with some friends, so we all hung out. While everyone was talking and all that, I was pretty much the only one out of the group watching the Blackhawks game lol.

Saturday my cousin and I headed back out home. My aunt (his mom) called us when we were still about an hour and a half away and told me that UPS had dropped something off by my apartment. 

IT CAME. IT FINALLY CAME. I was like a little kid on Christmas, I was so excited. When I looked through it, I seriously had tears in my eyes. I've been waiting for this book for so long, and now that I actually have it, it's so excited. I'm seriously treating it like a child. I always have it around me, I'm always looking at it, and I'm fairly certain I'm going to eyeing anyone who touches it like a hawk. No pun intended lol.

So then Sunday night, the Blackhawks were playing the Penguins. It was funny, because my cousin knows I like the Penguins too, and before the game he was like, "You better be rooting for the Hawks." I had to laugh. I was like, "REALLY?!" Yes, I like the Penguins, but the Blackhawks are always #1 in my heart. That was a very tense, but very good game! I'm not going to lie, when it went to the shoot-out, I seriously thought I was going to throw up. Shoot outs are extremely stressful. But the Blackhawks ended up winning it! So I was very happy about that.

Then unfortunately, I wasn't able to see the game today, because I don't get the station it was on in my area. So I had to listen to it on the radio. Luckily, I was able to see the recap online afterwords. OH MY GOD. What a game! During the first period I was starting to get pretty pissed, but during the second, wow. They REALLY stepped up their game. Now we just need to keep it up!!

So that's about it. Lots of hockey goodness. So here's a couple more photos from Wednesday that I doctored up after I got home.

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