Monday, February 7, 2011


So this is my new blog. Hello to anyone who may be reading this. Or if it's just me that's reading it...

"Hello self. Apparently, you are so boring and weird, no one wants to read your shit."

Now that we've got introductions out of the way...for my first post, I am going to go on a rant. Enjoy.

I am a hockey fan. I am a die-hard Chicago Blackhawks fan. Everyone knows this. My friends know it, my family knows it. If people don't know it, I'll let them know. The thing that gets to me is when people harass me about it.

I have friends who like to make fun of me when my team loses. They say things like:

-"The Blackhawks suck!"
-"Yeah, they won the Stanley Cup last year, but they traded all their good players, that was so stupid, they're never gonna win it again."
-"It's just so fun to fuck with you when they lose, because you get so pissed about it."

Ok. I fail to see the 'funny' in any of this. Is that just me? I think the worst thing about it is when people talk about them "trading all the good players". Ok. Obviously, you know NOTHING about hockey then, there was this little thing we dealt with called a SALARY CAP. We could not AFFORD to keep all of our players. Yes, it was terrible that it happened, but there was NOTHING we could do about it. That's why I hate when people who obviously know NOTHING about hockey talk to me about it. Do your fucking research and THEN talk to me.


Then I have friends who are just straight up ASSHOLES about it. Who tell me things like:

*No one cares about hockey
*Hockey is not as popular as other sports, and never will be
*I don't know anything about sports, and I am just a stupid fan-girl

Have you watched hockey lately? Do you read blogs? Do you look online? Have you gone to a game? Obviously, there are people who still like hockey. Just because YOU don't, doesn't mean other people don't. Do I GIVE a flying fuck if hockey isn't "as popular" as other sports?! NO. This isn't a fucking popularity contest!! They're SPORTS. I'm a stupid fan-girl? REALLY? I have been watching hockey since I was about 10 years old. I think by now, I know things about it. I don't watch it just because "(INSERT PLAYER'S NAME HERE) IS SO HAWT, OH EM GEE!!!" 

Now I am FEMALE. We all have our moments where the estrogen kicks in and we may swoon at players, but COME ON. We're human. It's in our nature to do things like that. That's not the reason I watch hockey. I watch it because honestly, I think that hockey players are some of the most talented athletes out there. It's not easy to do what they do! It's hard work! I have a lot of respect for them.

Hockey is not an easy sport. It's fast, it's aggressive, and it's rough. It takes a lot of talent and agility and strength to be a hockey player. My brother plays and his friends, it's not just some walk in the park.

It just infuriates me when people harass me about this. I sit and listen to everyone else go on and on about their sports teams, yet when I say something about mine, I get raked over the coals. It's just such a ridiculous double-standard.

I don't really care what they think, if they think I'm nuts or I go on about it too much, but it's just frustrating when it's people that are supposed to be your friends. I'm through trying to explain myself to them. If they don't like it, fuck it. You don't wanna hear me posting things about it? Don't listen. Ignore me. Block me. Unfriend me. I don't care.


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